You've come to the right place if you're looking for...

More or improved:

  • Focus
  • Relationships
  • Confidence
  • Feelings of well-being
  • Clarity
  • Peace
  • Personal Productivity
  • Business Results
  • Time & Energy Management
  • Anger Management


Less, or removal of:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Relationship Problems
  • Frustration
  • Procrastination
  • Burn-out
  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Addictive Behaviours
  • Lack of Self-Esteem
  • Poor Business Results
Word cloud

Unstressed is my newest project and now lifetime goal to help people or organisations to achieve their goals, fulfil their ambitions and live a life free of unnecessary stress and conflict.

Get in touch

So how does it work?

Well it depends which list(s) you chose from and how you like to work.

As a coach, counsellor and in some instances, consultant, I can offer different tools and techniques as required.

If you are trying to achieve a specific goal or say, improve business results or make a decision about changing your career I would usually suggest a coaching package over an agreed period of time.  If you have been struggling with issues such as stress, anxiety or relationship challenges then a more traditional 'counselling' approach might be more useful.  I also offer training courses and seminars on Stress and other subjects.

No matter which list attracted you though, my number one task is to listen;  to find out what you want to change and work together with you to choose the best path. 

Contact Me

In addition, these things will always be true.

1. I'm committed to your success and well-being.

2. All our work together is confidential.

3. In both coaching and counselling, you're the one who really does the work and deserves the credit for your success;  I'm here to guide you on the journey and help you uncover the answers inside yourself.

A little bit about me

Hello. I'm Viv Strettle and as I mentioned above I'm committed to helping people make changes in their personal or business lives. I've had a varied career so far, having been an IT Consultant for over 30 years, specialising in ERP Systems (See below) and for the past 15 years I have also been a coach. This has led me more recently to add counselling as a natural extension to this.

Yes this is definitely a strange mix and you might think, 'what have being an IT consultant and a coach/counsellor got in common?'. I've given up trying to answer that or to 'Just pick one!' as many have suggested and am now 'Unstressed' about the idea of doing both!

So if you arrived at my page through the world of ERP then don't worry I still help people with that too! Here's the page link.

If you don't know what ERP is, you probably don't need to know but it's just means a business' main Computer System for accounts, stock control and sales etc.

Book a Call

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